The Pattern and Process Blog

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The horse’s seal of approval

When I was in grade 6, my class went to Adams River, a crystal clear, freezing river outside of Kamloops. Once you’ve seen it, it’s not difficult to understand why this area has been inhabited by the Secwépemc people for at least 4000 years.  The surrounding forest is lush and beautiful, and the air is…

The Devil’s in the Details

Ah, summer. To me, summer has always meant field sampling. In my undergrad, I spent the summers doing field work in the Midwest USA for projects that PhD students were working on at the time. If you had told me two years ago that I’d be leading my own field season, I probably would have…

Bone! (Part I)

It is intuitive to most of us that bone is important to vertebrates. After all, most of us have bones (lots of them, in fact), and we lose a lot of our functionality when they break or lose their attachments to other bones. They feel very strong until we are roller skating and unexpectedly fall,…

Busy, but good

At any given time, if you ask me how I’m doing, I’m likely to answer “Busy! But good.” I take on too much. I’m absolutely awful at saying ‘no.’ It’s an interesting opportunity. Absolutely, I’ll do it. It’ll look good on my CV. Sign me up. My refusal might remotely inconvenience someone. I don’t need…


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a day in the life balance bone conservation Cowichan Lake details ducks Emily fieldwork field work goblin brain information Kennedy Lake lightning marine nutrient recycling outdoor explorations phosphorus planning problem solving research Sarah seals self-care snacks stickleback vertebrates welcome writing

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